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Axx of Hate – Risen


Axx of Hate – Risen

Price: 15.00$
Genre: Metal
Format: PROCD
Label:: Mulligore Production
Tracks: 8

SKU: MGR-054 Categories: ,

Product Description

Axx of Hate – Risen

Price: 15.00$
Genre: Metal
Format: PROCD
Label:: Mulligore Production
Tracks: 8

1. ”I Am”
2. ”Sinking Fast”
3. ”Lesser the Man”
4. ”Risen”
5. ”Feel the Burn”
6. ”Vein”
7. ”The Cause”
8. ”Axx to Grind”

Promo Video

Additional information

Weight 0.03625 lbs
Dimensions 15 × 13 × 1 cm